
 さて、前回の続き・・・中ロの急接近が脅威に、米国が本格的に対策を検討 ニコニコニュース さて、なんだか良く分からないね・・・米国のレポートの論理は、ときどき私にはわからなくなる・・・何でこういったものに拘るのか・・・?基本が反共とか反独裁があるわけですから・・・このレポートではその色彩は非常に薄いが・・・基本的考えの中に組み込まれているみたいでね。劣った体制だとしているようでね・・・


 この部分は・・・?ロシアとの関係改善に、幼い普ちゃんが積極的であるが、無意味な事しかやっていないですからね・・・北方領土の返還には、米軍基地が置かれないという確約を米国から取れないとダメでしょうからね・・・しかし、米国とこれをやっていないから、いつまで経っても北方領土の話しへたどり着かないという単純な話ね。プーチン君だって玄関先に米軍基地を誘致した間抜けなロシア大統領にはなりたくないでしょうからね。幼い普ちゃんがロシアに対してアプローチをしているけれども、これは、あまり意味を持たないのだろうとね・・・Divergence on relations with Japan. Japan’s strong efforts to improve relations with Russia since the start of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s overnment in 2012 have yet to achieve a major breakthrough. However, the possibility remains that Moscow may be persuaded to improve relations with Tokyo in a way that could work against Beijing’s hard line against Japan. この部分に関してね・・・幼い普ちゃんは、尖閣諸島や南シナ海に関して騒ぐけど・・・まともな話し合いはできずに、ポチの遠吠え程度ですかね・・・ロシアは、インドやベトナムに対して兵器を卸していますしね・・・中国はインド・ベトナムとは・・・あまり、友好的ではない・・・それに対して、北朝鮮、台湾、南シナ海は中国にとって重要な地域になるわけでね・・・中露はロシアのシリアへの関与と、中国の南シナ海と台湾・・・その、行動の支持の姿勢なども述べられていますが・・・中印の国境紛争がね・・・この辺りのケリがつくと大きく変化するのでしょうがね・・・


U.S. Policy Options
This section considers five general points of agreement among the NBR project experts concerning U.S. policy choices for dealing with the widely recognized adverse strategic implications of China-Russia relations for U.S. interests.







Broadly speaking, the United States can choose among four policy options for managing China-Russia relations. The first option is U.S. strengthening to oppose both countries. Second,the United States could apply strengthening and accommodation in seeking better relations with China for an advantage against Russia. Third, it could apply strengthening and accommodation in seeking better relations with Russia for an advantage against China. The ourth option is U.S. accommodation and compromise with Russia and China.




Strengthening to Sustain U.S. Primacy
The majority of experts participating in the NBR project recommend that the United States try to sustain its position as the world’s leading power, especially militarily, which supports a vibrant U.S.-led international order favorable to U.S. interests. Some give top priority to continued U.S. international primacy. This policy choice involves directly facing the many challenges posed by Russia and China and mobilizing international partners and domestic resources in a coherent strategy to deter further challenges, deal with existing ones, and exploit Sino-Russian differences?all from a position of greater U.S. strategic strength. A military buildup and international economic activism would accompany improved U.S. domestic governance, economic growth, social cohesion, diplomatic activism, and international attraction-i.e., soft power.
One advantage of this policy choice is its broad domestic political support. It echoes the “preserve peace through strength” theme highlighted in the Trump administration’s National Security Strategy and is widely supported by congressional Republican leaders, the Republican Party platform, and many defense-minded Democrats.


There are alternatives to such an expensive and demanding approach. They notably include U.S. accommodation of substantial expansions of Chinese and Russian spheres of influence in their respective regional areas of concern and a major pullback from existing U.S. foreign commitments, thereby enabling the creation of a new international order much more strongly influenced by China and Russia in ways that up to now have been opposed by U.S. leaders. As discussed above, this option is favored by the Russian and Chinese specialists in the NBR project and by the leaders of these countries. Some U.S. specialists also urge the United States to follow aspects of this option to “meet halfway” China and/or Russia. However, many U.S. specialists in the NBR project join the vast majority of other American specialists involved in the numerous recent authoritative assessments of U.S. policy toward China and Russia noted above in judging that such accommodation and pullback is not in the overall strategic interests of the United States.



 ああ、幼い普ちゃんはITで健康年齢が延びると思っている様だね・・・馬鹿かね?www.fnn-news.com ITで「健康年齢」を...








 国会提出法案|電子政府の総合窓口e-Gov イーガブ
 The White House
 U.S. Department of State
 United States Department of Defense (defense.gov)
 世界のビジネスニュース(通商弘報) - ジェトロ
 銘柄一覧 日本取引所グループ

 AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
 List of national newspapers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会 - Keidanren



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