
 さて、・・・Paul Krugman(@paulkrugman)さん Twitter で公開された偉大なる安倍晋三閣下とノーベル賞学者のクルーグマン教授との・・・非公開会合の中身はこのPDF ですね。何で暴露されたのか・・・安倍首相赤っ恥 クルーグマン教授が極秘会合の中身を暴露 日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL やはり、掲載刺激策としての戦争への言及かね?まあ、金の引き出し方の教授はしてもらえなかったようですが・・・さて、偉大なる安倍晋三閣下の質問ですね・・・

Now, on the subject of EU, European community, there are people with the pessimistic views. Within the European Union, they have the single currency and because of that there was the Greek problem.

Other countries had the only limited options in terms of policy in those countries. Fundamentally, the Greek problem will persist within the European community according to some people. How do you see the situation?


This is a very severe problem and not being resolved. The Euro is a major constraint,not just on Greece but on much larger economies as well.
France would have fiscal space for expansion. It really is not a serious trouble at all except that because of the Euro, it feels that it does not have that strength, that ability to move. I would argue actually that it could but it is certainly much more difficult.
If France had its own currency,there would be no question. France is able to borrow at interest rates only 30 or so basis points above Germany.
They are not a country which has difficulty raising funds but because of the constraint of the Euro, they are not able to move.
That, just right there,you would have a much stronger position.


The trouble, I think, with Europe reaches beyond the Euro. In fact in Europe right now,the economic issues have almost been pushed into the background by the refugee crisis,which is bringing about a crisis also in Schengen, in the open borders.


This is in a way similar to the Euro. It is the incompleteness of the European project. They created a very open integrated system without the institutions necessary to make it work, which leaves Europe rather paralyzed and contributes to the problems we all have. In effect,the only effective player on European policy is Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank who was a very good player but has limited reach without any government really behind him.


I should mention, just as one more thing to worry about, there is a quite significant possibility that Britain will vote to leave the European Union in a couple of months. This will add to uncertainty and is a further drag on the world economy. If we are going to say which members of the G7 are really able to move effectively and seem to be clear-headed, at the moment it would be basically, I think, Japan and Canada.


We have excellent leadership at the top of the United States but then we have a crazy congress, so it makes life difficult. ・・・米国議会は手ごわいのね・・・


Well, this time around, at the G7, how we analyze this situation, of course, we have to have a thorough discussion going forward. Professor Krugman, international community must coordinate in the fiscal space and the countries which are able would spend fiscally.


This message is very important. I presume that this is going to be essentially your message and I agree with your message.


So, we will coordinate and collaborate with other countries. Of course, countries have variety of their issues and their situations. After all, this is off the record, Germany has the greatest space for a fiscal mobility. Going forward, I plan to visit Germany. So, I will have to talk to them and I will have to persuade them how they will come along with the policy for further fiscal mobilization. Is there any idea from you?


It is difficult and let me say also that Chancellor Merkel is preoccupied with other matters as well, which she has been very good but it is an impossible situation.


There is one thing that I think I should have raised, one area where there might be a possibility of getting, at least raising something that might be an accessible form of stimulus,which is that in fact climate policy, in addition to being, of course, crucial, in some ways nothing else matters compared with that, is also a possible incentive for private investment as a shift to green technology across the advanced world. Perhaps at least some statement about the desirability of moving forward, we have the Paris ACCORD that may be one route on which things can happen. I wish I had better suggestions.


A brilliant diplomacy is not something I am an expert in. ・・・私は、輝かしい外交の専門家ではないですから・・・お門違い!と釘を刺されていますね。輝かしい外交を行ってきた偉大なる安倍晋三閣下が・・・やはり、見栄とハッタリと嘘の化合物かね?





 国会提出法案|電子政府の総合窓口e-Gov イーガブ
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 U.S. Department of State
 United States Department of Defense (defense.gov)
 世界のビジネスニュース(通商弘報) - ジェトロ

 AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
 List of national newspapers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会 - Keidanren


 International Institute for Strategic Studies IISS
 Chinese Military Review
 外邦図 デジタルアーカイブ - GAIHOZU Map Digital Archive
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