
 さて、・・・Paul Krugman(@paulkrugman)さん Twitter で公開された偉大なる安倍晋三閣下とノーベル賞学者のクルーグマン教授との・・・非公開会合の中身はこのPDF ですね。何で暴露されたのか・・・安倍首相赤っ恥 クルーグマン教授が極秘会合の中身を暴露 日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL どうやら、ここまででは麻生財務大臣の戦争による経済刺激策の話が凄いと思いますが・・・未だに日本の報道にはこの部分が現れませんね。ドイツやアメリカ様や英国に金を出させるにはなんと言えばよいかって問ですからね?


It is very difficult to make the argument. In the case of Germany, they simply live in a different intellectual universe, very difficult to talk about this. ・・・


In the case of the United States, I assure you that President Obama favors increased infrastructure spending.
In fact I can actually say that there was one meeting of economists which he opened by saying, “I want to hear your ideas. Don’t tell me we should spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure. I know that, I can’t get it through congress”. So, the US has that problem.


Still, believe that it is the case that at the very least, we can blunt the push for fiscal consolidation.

There is some role of persuasion between the countries. My sense is that conventional wisdom, sentiment among, if you like, the policy community, has been shifting in the direction of seeing again the case for stimulus and it might be possible to move that along.

About my own country, we have an election coming and something really terrible could happen in the election. But it is also significantly possible that we will, at the end of this year, have a legislature that is significantly less obstructionist

About my own country, we have an election coming and something really terrible could happen in the election. But it is also significantly possible that we will, at the end of this year, have a legislature that is significantly less obstructionist than the legislature that we now have. So, the United States may be a more helpful partner on macroeconomic policy. I certainly hope so.



There has been the declining of the commodity prices which had hit big blow on the developing countries in particular. Do you have any outlook on the impact coming from the declining commodity prices? What would be the impact expected upon the economy?
Can I ask you?



The impact is very severe on some emerging markets.
It is interesting to know that the most important, biggest emerging market, which is China, is a commodity importer.
So,on the whole, it is actually favorable for them but very severe consequences for Brazil and for Africa.


Those are important stories because there are a lot of people involved,not clear how much the backwash to advanced countries is from that economically. これが重要・・・色々な関係者がいる・だから、明瞭でない・・・先進国への経済への逆流が・・・発展途上国が資源を生み出し中国が加工して発展途上国への商品の投入・・・ブラジルやアフリカも関係するし・・・中国経済との関係がどこの国も深くなっていますからね・・・私も、物流をチェックしたりしていたのは・・・富の還流と偏在を見たかったのでね・・・日本は円安誘導、紙幣の紙屑化を利用して、出血大売り出しで泡銭をつかみましたが・・・その効果が薄れている・・・

We would think we can worry about geopolitics. 地政学による心配事ですか・・・

One unfavorable surprise has been that the fall in oil prices are not the positive thing that we had once thought, at least not as positive. 原油価格の下落ってのはあまり良いものではない・・・私にはすごく良いのですが・・・お金が浮きますからね。何しろ、自動車と飲み物の取り合いをしているようなものです。車に飲ませると、飲めない上に酒が買えない・・・私が飲めば、自動車は動かずに済む・・・

The reason has a lot to do with the fact that, the very thing that has brought oil prices so low, which is the rise of “fracking”, means that the energy is an important investment sector in the United States especially, and the drop in oil prices, although it encourages consumption hits investment and so it is much less of a positive than it once was.

 なんだ?わかんね〜 原油価格が非常に低くなっているのが問題で・・・fracking が台頭・・・水圧で油層を破砕して原油を絞り出す技術の事かね?アメリカじゃ投資分野でのエネルギーってのは重要なのは分かるが・・・消費の奨励なども、それでもポジティブというには及ばないようですね・・・これじゃ、ヒューストン辺りじゃ金など湧いてこないじゃん・・・いつになったら新幹線が売れることになるやら?

My story, however, would be that the commodity price decline, although a huge thing from the point of view of understanding geopolitical developments, very important for a large number of people in the world, is not that big a part of the problem that we are facing in the advanced world, that the problem is instead these demand issues.

I mean,it is shocking what has happened to commodity prices but that is not where the downdraft on our economies is coming from.






 国会提出法案|電子政府の総合窓口e-Gov イーガブ
 The White House
 U.S. Department of State
 United States Department of Defense (defense.gov)
 世界のビジネスニュース(通商弘報) - ジェトロ

 AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
 List of national newspapers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会 - Keidanren


 International Institute for Strategic Studies IISS
 Chinese Military Review
 外邦図 デジタルアーカイブ - GAIHOZU Map Digital Archive
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 検索結果 日露戦役写真帖
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 朝鮮旅行案内記
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 朝鮮港湾要覧
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 検索結果 朝鮮群書大系
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 朝鮮鉄道旅行便覧
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 検索結果 新興産業の基礎知識
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 地方行政区域名称一覧
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 朝鮮各道府面間里程表
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 検索結果 最近に於ける注目すべき発明考案
 近代デジタルライブラリー - 検索結果 国産機械図集
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